Permit Fees
Please call the Frankfort Township Road District office at (708) 479-9673 to determine whether a permit is needed for your home improvements and new construction.
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 3:30 pm.
Fees are refundable after completion of all work and release of permit—except for $25.00, which is a non-refundable inspection fee.
New House Construction and Additions
Curb and sidewalk $775.00
No curb or sidewalk $525.00
Sheds and Decks $275.00
Above-Ground Pool $275.00
In-Ground Pool:
Curb and sidewalk $775.00
No curb or sidewalk $525.00
New Garage Construction:
Curb and sidewalk $775.00
No curb or sidewalk $525.00
New / Replacement Driveways / Asphalt or Concrete
Curb and sidewalk $775.00
No curb or sidewalk $525.00
Culvert Installation $525.00
Overweight / Oversize Permit
No fees required Application required
Anyone having questions or concerns regarding feel free to contact the
Frankfort Township Road District at
(708) 479-9673