Snow Removal and Parking Ban Regulations
Removing snow efficiently from the Township’s streets is a huge task. To increase our effectiveness in this task the Township has implemented and added to its 2016 ordinance, Ordinance No. 16-1101, that is intended to both maximize our efforts and enhance the efficiency of our Snow Removal Team.
Whenever there is a snowfall that causes an accumulation of snow to a depth of two (2”) inches or more, and until snow removal operations are completed, it shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle or permit a vehicle owned by that person to be parked on the township street.
Whenever a vehicle is parked in violation of this section, said vehicle shall be subject to being ticketed and/or towed to an off-street location or to any other portion of a street within the limits of the township where such vehicle will no longer impede the snow removal operation. The owner of said vehicle will be liable for all fines, tickets, towing, and storage fees.
The residents of Frankfort Township are asked to be patient and recognize that during the winter months, there may be some minor inconveniences. Snow removal procedures have been implemented to ensure a safe and expedient flow of traffic, and to increase the efficiency of the Township’s Snow Removal Team. We ask for everyone’s cooperation to help keep our streets safe.
Anyone having questions or concerns regarding the snow ban ordinance should feel free to contact the Frankfort Township Road District at (708) 479-9673.